Come up with a great APP idea that solves an environmental or social problem and we will build it with you.

The Impact APP Challenge is an entrepreneurship program empowering High School students to come up with and launch the next great social or environmental Application and gain critical skills they will need to be the future changemakers.  

The APP Challenge Prize:

1. Student-Owned Innovation:
The winning team will see their Application live, owned 100% by the students, establishing them as innovation leaders.

2. Product Development Funding:

The Impactree Foundation will cover the product development and engineering costs to bring the teams MVP to life.

3. Valuable Internship Opportunity:

The winning team will embark on a four to seven month internship, collaborating with our team of experienced tech leaders. This internship experience will be a valuable addition to their resumes.

4. No Programming Required:

Students only need to bring forward their exceptional idea and a commitment to work 2-3 hours per student per week turning their idea into a reality. 

Past Winners:

Teen Cancer Community APP:

Students: Alexander LaMonica & Sabine Fuchs

It is universally acknowledged that empathetic peer support is invaluable to our emotional well-being. Alexander is a 16-year-old survivor of stage IV cancer. Alexander and thousands of others across the country have spent weeks in hospital beds, away from friends, getting toxic chemicals pumped through their

Teen Mental Health APP:

Students: Mckenzie Kwei & Ally Hsieh

Many people in high school suffer from the problems of feeling worried, alone, or sad, while other times, many people’s lives are so busy they forget to appreciate the things in life that make them happy. Sometimes when we have so much going through our lives, we don’t have time to reflect on the things that are making us happy or upset, and we can get caught in the whirl of life without being in touch with our feelings–often leading to…

Clothing Insecurity APP:

Students: Aimee Yang & Justin Slayen

We have seen firsthand the suffering from poverty and homelessness, and the worry one feels when they are not able to purchase clothing for their family. The lack of clean and sufficient clothing for underserved families is a large problem in the Bay Area and nationwide. Children are more likely to miss school when they don’t have proper clothing that is comfortable and fits, and when they do attend, they witness bullying and a decline in their self-esteem…

Check out more ideas here

We want to encourage, inspire and empower teens to become the innovative leaders we need to address our biggest environmental and social challenges.

What Are Teachers Saying?

Student Requirements:

In order for winning students and their App to be selected, the following criteria must be met.
1. The App must pursue the greater good: It must nurture inclusivity, justice, sustainability and/or compassion.
2. The idea must address an environmental or social problem/challenge a large portion of students at your school or people in your community, teams, clubs or other groups you are associated with experience on a regular basis.
Problems you choose to address may include: – Environment or climate – Social justice – Racial justice – Gender equity – LGBTQ+ rights, – Mental Health – Or any other issue you feel negatively impacts society or the planet.

3. The problem must theoretically be solvable with a web application or mobile application. (The are no guarantees in technology, but you miss every shot you don’t take)

4. The winning idea must have 2-4 students involved. The students must all be teenagers and at least one must be from a participating school.

5. The winning students commit to a four to seven month remote internship with Impactree Foundation and expect to spend about 2-3 hours per week working on the project, progressing from initial ideation through to launch and user feedback


Impactree Foundation
PO Box 454 Las Gallinas Ave, Suite 269
San Rafael CA 94903

Phtos By: Afif Ramdhasuma, Tim Mossholder, William Hook.