Internship Overview & Scope
The Impactree Foundation is pleased to offer you an unpaid internship position as an Impact APP Development Intern with the Impactree Foundation. We at the Impactree Foundation are excited about the possibility of you interning with us for four months starting March 1st, 2023. through July 1st, 2023. While interning with the Impactree Foundation, you will be reporting to Ken Kurtzig, CEO of the Impactree Foundation, as well as to your School Faculty Advisor.
Interns will have sole ownership of the Intellectual Property developed through the internship process. It is expressly agreed that all project related documents, records, reports, publications, sketches, designs, and intellectual property, including patents or trademarks, arising out of or resulting from work performed or developed by the intern team working on this APP for this Impactree APP Development Project, or any subcontractor of Consultant, shall be owned jointly and equally by all of the students named as Interns for this project. All print and electronic rights will also be owned jointly by the student Interns. The Impactree Foundation expressly releases any rights it may have in intellectual property developed by Impact APP Development Interns.
During your internship, you will be taking your APP concept and working with the Impactree team of volunteers and contractors as well as with your faculty advisors to turn the App concept from an idea into a live APP on the APP store. Each Intern will play an integral part in the APP development process and will be expected to lead much of the work (with support from the Impactree Foundation team). You will be guided by your Foundation and faculty advisers through each step of the APP development process.
The Student Intern expressly agrees to fulfill the following responsibilities
1. You will meet with your Impactree APP Challenge team at least once every four weeks. Meetings with Impactree Advisors will be virtual.
2. A majority of student team members will attend all meetings with Impactree Foundation team members.
3. The Impactree team members are very busy professionals dedicating their spare time to support you and your vision and APP. Please ensure that you use their time wisely
4. You will be open to receiving feedback, coaching, and constructive criticism, including being willing to fully hear and heed advice.
5. You will attend all meetings on time.
6. You will be prepared for each meeting to ensure that the time is well spent.
7. If you need to reschedule a meeting session, you will do so with at least 72 hours’ notice.
8. During meetings you will be present, with no external distractions (cell phones, other people, email, etc.).
9. You will complete any assignments that you agree to do, on time.
10. You will dedicate the necessary time required to complete your APP and support the launch on the APP store within the time of your internship.
The Impactree Foundation team agrees to fulfill the following responsibilities
1. To commit to your overall APP success as well as your learning and experience during the APP creation process.
2. To be prepared for each meeting to ensure that your time is well spent.
3. To be reasonably available and supportive as your advisors, including between meetings as needed via email and online messaging.
4. To be open, honest, constructive, respectful, and professional
5. To be open to your advice about how to bring more value to your experience in this program.
6. During meetings we will be present, with no external distractions (cell phones, other people, email, etc.).
The PARENT/GUARDIAN of the Student Intern expressly agrees to the following on behalf of themselves and the prospective Student Interns:
1. I consent to the Student Intern’s participation in the Impactree Foundation APP Internship Program.
2. I will reinforce the importance of good attendance and the development of good work habits.
3. I will provide encouragement and reinforcement.
4. I understand that this is an internship program aimed at the development of computer applications via virtual meetings and online communications, and that physical activities are outside the scope of the Internship Program.
5. I will maintain contact with the School Faculty Advisor and the Impactree Foundation team leader about any program-related concerns.
6. I, and my Student Intern, assume the risk for any injury that may occur through the Student Intern’s participation in the Internship Program or development of any APP pursuant to the Internship Program goals.
The SCHOOL FACULTY ADVISOR agrees to the following responsibilities
1. To work with the Student Intern and the Internship Supervisor to monitor the Student Intern’s academic progress.
2. To coordinate and monitor the Student Intern on a day-to-day basis to assure that the Student Intern achieves stated goals.
3. To inform the Student Intern, Internship Supervisor, and parent/guardian about the purposes and rules of the Internship Program at the beginning of the internship.
4. To make regular contact with the Internship Supervisor to review the quality of the internship and the Student Intern’s development in the Internship Program, suggest necessary changes in approach, and follow-up on recommendations. These contacts may be in the form of electronic mail, on-site and off-site visitations, or teleconferencing.
This Agreement does not create any joint venture, partnership, or agency among the parties. This Agreement takes precedence over, supersedes, and voids all other statements, understandings, and contracts, whether oral or written, between the Internship Organization and any of the other signatories with respect to the parties’ obligations as part of the Internship Program.
All parties agree that the Impactree Foundation may showcase details about this APP project, it’s participants and other project related material such as videos, images, product details, product demonstrations, and other project related material on our website, social media platforms, and at participating schools to inspire other students and acknowledge your achievement.
If this team or app chooses to raise additional funds for the project, The Impactree Foundation and/or the School or Organization that brought the Impact App Challenge to this team shall have the right of first refusal to make further investments at the same and best terms offered at the point of additional investments.
This Project and Internship may be terminated, by any party, with or without cause, at any time.