Become a Founding Catalyst or Alpha Catalyst of CataCap

Founding Catalyst

Alpha Catalyst

Become a Founding Catalysts. 
Donate $25K+ for investments you will direct in App.
Receive permanent perks and founder badges.
10% of proceeds used to cover 3yrs of Impact Assets fees and grant support of the APP R&D.
Become an Alpha Catalysts.
Donate $5-20K for investments you will direct in App.
Receive permanent perks and alpha badges.
10% of proceeds used to cover 3yrs of Impact Assets fees and grant support of the APP R&D.

Founding Catalyst

Become one of 20 Founding Catalyst. 
Donate $25K+ for investments.
Receive permanent perks and founder badges.
10% of proceeds used to cover 3yrs platform admin fees and grant support of the APP R&D.

Alpha Catalyst

Become one of 100 Alpha Catalyst.
Donate $5-20K for investments.
Receive permanent perks and alpha badges.
10% of proceeds used to cover 3yrs platform admin fees and grant support of the APP R&D.

Fund Your CataCap Account By:

If you have an ImpactAssets DAF, this will generate an email for you to send to directly fund your CataCap account.

You will be taken to a contribution form. Please enter account name “CataCap” and account # “439888,” otherwise fill in and submit. Then initiate a grant request to your family foundation, DAF sponsor, or personally send in a check. If selecting ACH, you will receive a follow up email with ImpactAssets’ bank transfer instructions.

You will be taken to a credit card form to submit your tax deductible donation to directly fund your Impact Investing APP account.

Terms & Conditions: I understand that my donor account in the CataCap donor advised fund (DAF) at ImpactAssets (IA), a 501(c)(3) public charity is not a purchase or sale of securities. Impactree Foundation (IF), also a 501(c)(3) public charity, is the primary donor advisor of the IIAPP DAF. I understand that my completed IA contribution form is transmitted to IA by IF. A contribution to fund a donor account within the IIAPP DAF represents an irrevocable tax-deductible contribution to IA. Contributions are nonrefundable, and become subject to IA’s control and sole discretion, as are final determinations on all grant distributions and investments. There are a number of factors to consider when assessing the tax implications of gifts to charity of cash, capital gains and the transfer of appreciated securities. Please consult with your tax specialist before making any donations.

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